I shall start my week by listening to Seth Troxler’s Essential Mix. I am quite delighted that he has chosen to move to London – it should make it an even more fun place than it currently is! If it is good enough, then I shall list it on my fourth blog (yes, I know), for my favourite DJ Mixes. I have only just started it but I will be putting links to all my favourite DJ mixes that I discover on there.
I didn’t have any plans set in stone for this weekend – and those kind of weekends either go quite boringly pointless, or they end up being unexpectedly good, this pleasingly fell into the latter category.
I kind of enjoyed the fact that it was only a two day weekend – I had to make sure that I got as much fun out of it as possible.
Friday turned into a mini random pub-crawl (I know, 3 pubs is really stretching the definition of a pub crawl, but they were quite randomly picked), I managed to escape before it got messier.
Saturday night I encountered DJ Derek at the delightful Oakford Social Club, having walked there in the beautifully pouring rain (with my umbrella) only to find it was one in, one out, and very few people were willing to leave the comfort of the Oakford to go into the monsoon, but eventually I made it inside.
It was well worth it, DJ Derek is a 69-year old DJ from Bristol, who MC’ed in Patois – I remember him saying that he was not too impressed with the Tesco riots in his home-town of Bristol, as he likes the convinience of Tesco. Nice.
Musically, it was predominantly reggae (though not exclusively, some ska, some soul, and others), which is not especially a form of music I enjoy – I like it, but not enough to be excited by it, but he created a very enjoyable atmosphere and I loved the amount of people with astonished looks on their faces as they discovered who was their DJ!
Then on Sunday I find out that my delightful friend Shaun was in Reading so I popped down to the Walkabout for a pint of chemicals and then we quickly escaped to the comforts of the Oakford for more beer-like beer, for a couple of hours.
Overall, a very enjoyable weekend.
I think I might have had my arm twisted into going to Mango on Saturday…why do I agree to these things? Still haven’t twisted anyone’s arm into going to see Sven Vath at fabric on 21st yet…I live in hope.
Have a good week.
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