Blogging Explosion Impending…Or Is It?

I have spent all day desperate for some free relaxing time to blog away about things on my mind, now I have got home, guess what?  I just want to eat some fish and have a glass of wine.  But I feel duty bound to at least write some inspiring drivel about what I wanted to blog about, but daren’t, during the day.  Like a naughty schoolchild looking to have a cigarette behind the bike shelters.

Firstly, Tesco – where the fuck is my wine?  You reduce the price of my favourite rose wine to £3 but neglect to stock your shelves with it.  This is twice in one week.  What are you doing to me?  Sort out your procurement or I will be making a complaint about false advertising.

Secondly, Judie Chisholm – the woman who is going to sue the council (ultimately her local fellow council tax-payers) £5,000.00 for compensation because they swapped her recycling sack with a wheelie bin and it has allegedly affected her home’s appeal.  I quote “”wrecked all kerb appeal in one fell swoop”.” – what the fuck?  I would suggest that she has a little look around to see if there is anything else her time and energy can be spent on.  Get a grip woman!

Next I have some good news; – Young Question Time is going to return.  But I hate to say it but I think the word “young” will put people off? Or is that because I am not “young” any more?  Ouch, James – in your thirties and still not married?  Tut tut.

And I definitely have to share the link to the Commonwealth Games pictures – I have no idea what the fuss is about.  Or why we bother with any form of athletics.  Maybe it is like art or golf, and I will appreciate it when I am older.  I do not disparage athletes by the way, I admire their discipline and determination.  OK so they are a good role model for the young then.  Maybe we should fund them more?  I argued myself out of that one.  See how my brain works?!

It can suck being me, one minute I am right…the next I am right again, or more right.  Ha ha!

So there you go, that is about it summed up in a single blog rather than a few.

Did you enjoy it more?  One day I might set up a survey.  I have plans you know…plans!  We can build tramlines to the sea and….

Weather Forecast Coming Up – Stayed Tuned x

Oh and don’t forget my sister blog – your ears need love too xx

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