Cocoon Essential Mix

Two of the best things in the world come together at last.

The Essential Mix has been running on BBC Radio 1 for as long as I can remember, probably not far off 20 years and has featured so many amazing DJs over the years from all parts of the dance music world.

I rarely listen to it nowadays as my tastes have become much less varied over the last few years, very much concentrating on minimal/techno/house, and the Essential Mix does tend to have too much ra ra ra music for my delicate ears.

However for the recent Radio 1 in Ibiza weekend, they finally featured the magic that is Cocoon Ibiza, with an hour from Andre Galluzzi and an hour, of course, from Sven.

Unfortunately I am coming to accept as reality that I probably will miss out on a trip to Ibiza, and, more disappointingly, Cocoon. I am in the process of re-prioritising but probably not in time to go to Ibiza this year…I remain hopeful but also realistic. I’ll just have to go 4 times next year to make up for it.

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