I needed to redirect my mail.
So I tried online. My first attempt to locate the address failed so I had to type the whole application again as it could not be amended. The second attempt advised me that it could not be done online and that I should call them.
I called them and went through an unnecessary menu system, only to be told eventually by someone rather rude and unpleasant that I had the wrong number.
I was given another number, another menu system, and no, I cannot do it by phone, I need to go to a Post Office.
Post Offices only seem to be open when I am working. Thankfully a colleague drove me to one today.
Cue frustrating discussion as to whether they could accept my many forms of ID which I had brought, none of which happened to be a utility company bill or bank statement – as I nicely do those online, like we are encouraged.
Can I dare hope for privatisation under the lovely new government?