Bad Habits

I’ve been getting into bad habits again recently.  Sausage rolls, donuts, muffins, sausage and
bacon sandwiches, bacon and egg pittas (though pitta cancels out bacon I
think?), cakes, chocolate, crisps, midweek beers, Monday beers, Thursday
ciders, stealing money from the collection pots at church to buy narcotics.
And then there is what I haven’t been doing.  Blogging, studying, website work, exercising
(yes I do some now and again), clubbing, dancing, DJing (actually I am doing
more than before but not enough), sorting out my music collection, buying
socks, public farting, cooking properly, new DJ mixes.
What I am doing lots of is working.  And working. 
And working.  Though I don’t mind
that too much – the 2.5 hours travelling is doing my nut in though, just seems
such a waste of time that I could be doing something productive.
The main frustration is just not having enough time to study
and progress into my future career where I will have control over my life.  And
then when I do get up at 530am in the mornings I end up having to spend
inordinate amount of time at the weekend resting.  That and the impossibly busy job tends to
encourage me to get wasted at the weekend so I don’t recover until Tuesday.
I really wish I had more time to study.  I would rather have more time than more money.
Anyway, I had time to cook last night – fried and diced
peppers with garlic, marmalade and crushed vegetable stock (supposed to be powder),
oh and tomato passata (no I had not heard of it before either) with pork, asparagus
and broccoli.
Vegetable overdose.  But really tasty.
Time to book a week off I think.  Just waiting for some good weather…I hope you haven’t been missing my blogs too much (can you tell I am really busy at work?!)
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