Why I Voted Conservative

Not exactly a surprise, is it?  James Winfield, the self-proclaimed ‘only Tory from Hull’, has voted Conservative.

But this was actually a tough decision for the first time in my adult voting life.  Even a couple of days ago I was having some doubts.

This is not a vote for the Conservative Party and the direction it is going in.  It is certainly not a vote for Brexit.  And it is definitely not a vote for Theresa May – the ghastly leader that I have long been comparing to Gordon Brown (you could call that insightful?).

Sadly this is nothing more inspiring than a Stop Corbyn vote, despite the generally good record that the Conservative party have over the last 7 years.

My main reason is that the idea of that man having control over the finances of this country petrifies me.

The lies, bribery and deceit that has been central to his campaign is a clear reminder of the politics that got Hugo Chavez elected in Venezuela.

Some may think that I am going to far by comparing Corbyn to Chavez, and Britain’s greatest admirer of the likes of Chavez and Castro may indeed not turn out to have any dictatorial whim whatsoever (though you cannot say that about some of those close to him – like the almost-evil Saemus Milne).

However, his fabricated costings of his manifesto, which will likely not only not raise the money he expects, but also probably increase tax avoidance, increase unemployment and be disastrous not for large corporations (they can report their revenue in other countries, or simple move if they have to), but for the small businesses that employ so many of us.  And what do small businesses do when they receive larger tax bills?  Cut staff or raise prices.

This was a straight-forward choice between competency and bribery.

Corbyn has promised the world, and believe it or not, people like free stuff.

Personally, I prefer a stable country with a strong economy (sorry for sounding like her) – one that will actually still be able to afford an NHS in 10 years time – as opposed to having yet another economic catastrophe caused by excessive unnecessary government borrowing – the likes of which we saw before the crash, from 2001 to 2007 under Labour, and the like of which Corbyn wants to bring about again.

I don’t want a government elected on lying to the people.
I don’t want a government elected on bribing the electorate.
I don’t want a government that admires Lenin, Chavez and Castro.
I don’t want a government that wants to overthrow the capitalist system which has made our country so rich, affording high levels of education and healthcare.
I don’t want a government run by people that want to get rid of the Queen, mi5, and have supported terrorist organisation such as the IRA.
I don’t want a government that wants to disband the army, and has already undermined our nuclear deterrent.

Some people say they want change.  But change can be bad.  I don’t want to change back to the 1970’s – a union-controlled disaster of an economy, laughed at throughout Europe – a country with it’s best days behind it.

And I tell you another reason I want the Conservative Party to win.

So those condescending, rude, arrogant shitbags that are supporting Labour, lose.

Not for a second am I putting any more than a small minority of Labour voters in that bucket of deplorables.  But during the campaign, I have been reminded about just how nasty and vile some of these characters are.  I have had so much abuse, so much rudeness – so many nasty, condescending comments from holier-than-though characters (I admit I haven’t been a complete saint).  For these people especially, I really hope that they lose the election and all their hopes of free stuff are squashed.

And we all know who will be rioting if they lose the election.

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4 responses to “Why I Voted Conservative

  1. Take heart! Your misgivings about how much money Corbyn could raise from tax are largely based on your misuinderstanding of the Laffer Curve that’s been doing the rounds amongst economics wonks as a facepalm extraordinare. Sure, they’re overoptimistic, but well within the realms of possibility and there’s every chance he’ll quiety ditch any policies that turn out to be unaffordable, just as he has with his previous campaign promises. Similarly, your misgivings about his political heroes are misreported caricatures of his much more nuanced position. If you really think the Tory government hasn’t lied to the people then you need to increase your meds. Brexit was only about fixing an internal Party rift, as was accepting the referendum result, and they have done a brilliant job of taxing the rich on the quiet. You are nothing if not obedient, but you need to stop swallowing anything handed to you by the Conservative head office without examining it first.

  2. Hey James, I have to agree with the above actually. I admit I didn't know enough about Corbyn, same for Abbott, but I read up, and I took back most of my prior judgemental comments. Corbyn has in fact been misquoted on most of the occasions you refer to.
    I can't comment particularly on the economics, but I can definitely say that reading a conservative state "I don't want a government elected on lying to the people" brings the word "audacity" to mind! If you look deep within you and take off your tory hat I am sure you will realise how much pure blatant lying we've been fed by the Tories, it's beyond ridiculous!
    I would also like to apologise on behalf of Labour supporters for the abuse you got, but referring to that in your article is the same as propaganda basically, emotionally charging a decision that you should of course make for other reasons. Don't think for one second that there isn't the same amount of rude, abhorrent, vile tories doing the same to Labour supporters' posts. Because there is, of course.
    I truly thought you'd vote against this unbelievably horrible women, I am saddened that you did in fact vote for the Brexit Implementation party, as you called it.
    Much love, Michael

  3. Unfortunately I had to vote against the unbelievably horrid, vile man that Corbyn is, and his exceptionally dangerous views. The nasty party vs the really very nasty party.

    I don't see Conservative supporters graffitiing "Labour Scum" everywhere. I don't see Conservative supporters tearing down Labour posters or writing "cunt" over them. I don't see Conservative supporters standing outside Labour party conferences, spitting at attendees and threatening to rape female Tories. I don't see Conservative supporters threatening to riot if they don't get their own way.

    I am sure there are a few Tory Twitter trolls out there – but the really, truly nasty party is the Labour Party.

    Finally, I am not aware of any particular lies that we have been fed by the Conservatives. Please do feel free to elaborate so I can understand what you feel is a lie.

    Much love in return xx

  4. Dear Lord Percy

    I would like you thank you for your comments, and also apologise for not responding to your previous comment/assignment – I simply did not have the time to respond to all the points that I wanted to refute, and did not feel that any such short response would do your ramblings justice.

    We are quite simply not going to agree on the position and skew of the Laffer Curve. The research that I have read most recently from the CEBR suggests that 36% is the tax-maximising level for marginal top-rates of tax, and that the respective total tax takes increased from both reducing the top level of income tax, and also corporation tax, would suggest that the Laffer Curve is in effect.

    Had you argued that the tax-maximising rate of the Laffer Curve was closer to 40 or 50%, then we may have had more to discuss. But suggesting that the Laffer Curve is somewhere between 60% and 80% is utterly bewildering.

    Also by reducing corporation tax, you give employers more money to be able to spend on employing staff – it is a shame that a party that used to be for the workers, cannot recognise the importance of more people having a job.

    With all due respect (don't you hate it when people start a sentence with that?), I actually have the capability to make up my own mind on policy. Who I support and vote depends on who I believe will manage the economy in the most-sustainable manner in the long-term. I do only have a second-class honours degree in economics, so my knowledge is not perfect. Plus you'll always find an economist that will argue the case for, say, nuclear war.

    But I do have a good grasp of economics, and who I support is based upon that. Were you to subject yourself to reading my whole blog, you would hopefully realise that your premise that I am an obedient Tory swallowing anything that central office promote, is about as reliable as Labour's manifesto costings.

    Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the result of the election?

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