Complaint: Goodbye Sainsbury’s

Back in December, I decided that I had had enough.  Time to move on.


Dear Sainsbury’s

I think our relationship is over.  At the very least, it is time to take a break.

I have told you on multiple occasions how it upsets me when you give me chicken which will not last for my weeks’ worth of salads.  I have to bring this up at least on a monthly basis and at the moment it seems to be almost every week.

This week the chicken is going to expire tomorrow.  OK, Friday is Christmas Day so I won’t be having chicken salad then.  But Wednesday and Thursday I still need it.

As it seems that you can no longer provide chicken breast fillets with an appropriate date, I have concluded that you do not care enough about me.

It is over.

It pains me to say this, but I am now going to see what else is out there.  There are plenty of fish in the sea.  Well, by plenty, I can count 5 other companies that do food deliveries.

I will still occasionally be back for a quick fling – I cannot get enough of your ketchup so I will need a make a mass-order, probably when I am drunk.

Perhaps nobody else will be able to fulfil my requirements either.

But for now, it saddens me to say that we are no longer an item.

I wish you all the best for the future.



Dear James

Thanks for getting in touch your order.

I’m disappointed that you feel its time to move on and your chicken had such a short shelf life. I’m sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Our fresh produce is frequently replenished with the latest deliveries to our stores, giving our colleagues access to the freshest items. They are trained to select the products with the longest shelf life.

We expect our colleagues to take care when selecting your shopping and to pick items they would be happy to receive themselves. I realise we let you down on this occasion. I’ve passed your comments on to the online manager, who’ll speak with our colleagues that shopped for your order and instruct them to take better care with future online deliveries. The online manager has also arranged for your next orders to all be quality checked. This will insure all products in your delivery will be of high standard and have the best dates.

I’ve sent you a voucher worth £10 to your email. To cover the cost of the short life chicken and a little extra as a good will gesture. Your voucher code is xxxxxxxxx and will be valid for two years so you’ve plenty of time to use it.

Thanks again for getting in contact with us and we hope you reconsider and order with us again.

Kind regards

xxxcxdc sdfwdwdw
Customer Manager
Sainsbury’s Online

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