As you may know I was planning to go to Sonus festival in Croatia, which has quite an amazing line-up.
I’ve already paid £250 on non-refundable Bastardair flights and £130 on the festival ticket which is potentially saleable.
I am trying to decide if I can afford the rest of the cost. So…
Return train to Stansted £46.20.
Airport to resort – there is one boat at 5pm which costs around £15. If I miss it then a taxi is £140. Bus service on the way back is £18.
Accomodation £408
Drinks, Food, ‘etc’ £500 minimum
Taxis around resort (hotel is 25km away from festival site) £100???
Estimated total – minimum £1,000.00.
I currently have a massive £200.00 saved up with a small bonus due at the end of the month.
I haven’t decided for definite but I am thinking I should sack off the idea of going on holiday by myself.
I would rather spend the money either on Hull City’s European adventures, or failing that maybe Ibiza closing parties. Or go to Germany in October for Sven’s 50th birthday.
If I don’t go away then I could buy some new speakers, or a Microsoft surface or even one vinyl deck. Or spend it all on crackwhores.
I don’t like throwing away £380 but I would be hermerraging at least a grand, only half of which I would have in cash, the rest would be debt.
Decisions decisions. I think I should cancel.
What would you do?!