Complaint: M&S Southern Fried Chicken

Dear M&S

I normally love your food, however yesterday I was having a fat day so thought I would treat myself to some southern fried chicken – namely your box of drumsticks and thighs.

Now I love a chicken thigh but hate drumsticks – they are like comparing MDMA to Meow Meow. One classy and beautiful – the other rough as a badger’s bum but better than nothing.

So I was hoping it would be roughly half and half but out of a box of 7 chicken pieces – 5 of them were drumsticks!

5 drumsticks!

Just 2 thighs. Very negative discrimination.

Very disappointed, I won’t be purchasing them again.

Apart from that, keep up the good work.

James Winfield


Dear Mr Winfield

Thank you for emailing us about the southern fried you recently bought from us. I’m sorry you were disappointed with the quality on this occasion, due to the ratio of drumsticks to thighs.

We have rigorous control agreements with all our food suppliers, ensuring our quality is maintained to the highest possible standard. Despite the care we take, we’ve clearly not been successful on this occasion.

I would like to inform our Food Technologists of your comments and for you to be refunded. It will therefore be really useful if you can get back in touch with the information below.

    Product code (barcode). If unavailable, please provide a description of the product.
    Use by date / Display until date
    Batch code (this is usually in the form of a time e.g. 12:53)
    Full name
    First line of your address and postcode

As soon as we receive this information we will report the issue to our technologists and suppliers. At this point we can also arrange for a refund to be sent to you.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention. If you have any further queries in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Kind regards

Retail Customer Services
Your M&S Customer Service


Dear Sir

Thank you for your response.

Unfortunately the wrapper has long been thrown away so I cannot provide most of the details you require.

My address is below.

Kind regards



Dear Mr Winfield

Our Ref:- 83307

Thank you for taking the time to get back to us. I’m sorry to hear you no longer have the packaging for the chicken.

I have identified the product from your description and can assure you all the details are now on our system, which we use to closely monitor the performance of each supplier. I have also reported this matter to our Food technologists and our supplier directly. They will look into what has gone wrong and will take steps to prevent this happening again.

I can assure you our Food technologists will take action if we feel the highest quality standards aren’t being met.

As you’ve been disappointed, I’ve arranged for a £5 e-gift card to be sent to you to cover the cost of the chicken. This comes with my sincere apologies and very best wishes and will arrive in a separate email.

You should expect to receive this email within the next two working day and I would please ask for you to check both your inbox and spam folder for this email.

Thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. If we can help any further, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch.

Kind regards

Rhys Williams
Retail Customer Services


And I’ve just realised that I haven’t spent my £5.00 gift card.  I’ll take it straight to the Bracknell M&S…yeah.

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