fabric (with Cocoon)

This weekend just gone was one of those fairly rare weekends where everything looks so exciting, and everything and everyone comes together as planned quite spectacularly.

The highlight was always going to be my trip to fabric, only my third this year – for Cocoon – also my third Cocoon event of the year.

I did expect that my favourite club night at my favourite nightclub with my favourite DJ playing should be the most amazing night ever.  So much was my expectation that I was a little apprehensive on the way.

Alas, it was not the most amazing night.  But it was still absolutely fantastic.  Ricardo at fabric in March was better, as was Cocoon In The Park.  But take nothing away – this was a 9.5 out of 10 night – the others were 10 out of 10 – almost impossible to beat.

Cocoon, and Sven, do however work best in a larger nightclub like Amnesia in Ibiza, or the sadly deceased (temporarily???) matter, as they can put on more of a show.  fabric is all about being under-stated – the opposite to what Cocoon is about.  So combining them together, didn’t make them better than they are individually, at their best.

But this is kind of like saying you have just had the second best steak and blow job day ever.  Unless you are a girl in which case I guess you might say this was the second best day’s shopping ever.

We did spend the best part of 10 hours in there.  Of course being a member, I got to walk in straight away rather than queue in the freezing cold for ages with what was probably approaching about 1000 people when it opened at 11pm.

The music played at the beginning by Marcus Fix, Matt Tolrey and Jozif was a bit much of a muchness, just warming us in.  All deep hour in all three rooms – I would rather have heard something a little different in one of the rooms – maybe some minimal or some disco.

Sven came on at 1pm and he did play some really good stuff, mainly house as one has come to expect from Sven nowadays.  But it was like a sauna in the main room – the complete opposite from outside, I haven’t been in a club that hot in the UK I don’t think.  It was a bit much so we went into room 2 to see Ilario Alicante who was excellent, playing lots of good house and mixing it up a bit.

We did wander from room to room a bit, catching Craig Richards play a few fantastic tunes, a bit more Sven, but then the highlight of the evening – Dinky.  I cannot recommend her enough (Dinky set).  Lots of late 1990’s house, mixed in with some speed garage which I think Berlin-based DJs have just discovered (I’m sure they would not have heard of it back in 1997 as it was very much a UK thing).  Also some new jacking house.  So so good.

Heard the end of Sven, and then spent a few hours dancing to Onur Ozer who is really good – but couldn’t match Dinky, and was perhaps a little soul-less towards the end – I would have preferred him before Sven, but life isn’t perfect, and this was one excellent night out.

I love fabric and Cocoon – life wouldn’t be the same without them.

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