So I had a birthday yesterday. And I have a hangover today.
It wasn’t the most glorious start. Despite not having a job, I don’t know where the time goes. I’ve been way too busy to clean the house recently and it was a fair mess.
Therefore I decided to start my birthday with a cleaning session, bathroom and kitchen mainly – good timing too as my landlady popped round halfway through.

Then my computer crashed again. Nothing too unusual as it crashes most days, however it would not turn itself back on. I quickly became consumed by rage as I certainly cannot afford a new PC being unemployed. That and I recently paid £99 to have it fixed – I was assured that it would last 2-3 more years by the engineer after the work that they had done. I was proper fuming.
I didn’t even want to celebrate my birthday. I decided against organising a meal as I hate the embarrassment when half the people that promise to come don’t bother turning up – hangover, cold, no money whatever the excuse – just don’t fucking promise in the first place. I can cope with one or two not turning up, people do sometimes have genuine reasons – but last year was embarrassing when nearly 10 didn’t bother. The landlady was not amused and threatened to charge me – until she found out who I was and that I was responsible for quite an uptick in her takings on a Sunday.
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great birthday last year but I promised myself never to put myself through the stress again. So if you were wondering why you had no invite to my birthday meal yesterday – that is the reason. The only people that came were those that asked what I was doing.
Plus I’ve been a bit up and down with the whole unemployment thing and simply didn’t feel like I should be celebrating my birthday. Thank you to my wonderful sister for persuading me otherwise.
Very much an inauspicious start to my birthday and I was already in the mood to get drunk by midday. I have been drinking more over the last few weeks – too much…far too much – I know this doesn’t help psychologically. Don’t worry – detox 2017 starts next week. New rules too.
But as soon as I arrived at the pub and saw my sister, I completely forgot about my relative woes (ok maybe an early rant about my broken computer) and I had a bloody good time.
We were in a good little pub in Kentish Town – I had no idea whether the roast would live up to expected standards and I am not going to tell you yet – you know where to look (later/tomorrow) for that. We had a cute waitress too – really nice breasts.
We then went to another pub to watch the football (apologies to my non-footballing friends for putting you through that) and then back to that rather nice pub in Kentish Town. It was a jolly good laugh and I went home in the opposite mood and sobriety that I set out in.
Being drunk, I decided that I would have some halal (goodbye racist friends) peri-peri chicken from Tesco which was absolute garbage. I probably should have had the cold, dry Chicken Cottage chicken instead. There was nearly twice as much bone as chicken. Appalling.
And I watched the new Trigger Happy TV show. What has happened? Have I just “grown up” (debatable) or is the new show really dull and predictable? Bar the cyclist.
I did also get a few small gifts. Some obligatory birthday hankerchiefs to join the other five unopened packs in my thong drawer, a stand for my recipe books and most importantly, some proper ketchup. None of this basics shite (which isn’t actually that bad).

And then I managed to get my computer working thanks to this list of suggested remedies. It took a while but I’m even more of a stubborn sod when drunk, and eventually when I tried the option of unplugging everything, it went into some DOS CHKDSK thing and 20 minutes later, it started up.
Needless to say that I backed everything up today and shall start doing so on a weekly basis. I definitely need a new computer. Once I have a job.
My birthday represented my general life at the moment quite well, a bit of a struggle but a good outcome in the end, mostly thanks to having some wonderful people in my life.
A big thank you to those that delightfully forced themselves onto my birthday celebrations yesterday, and those that took their time out to wish me a happy birthday (I will respond).
Maybe next year I will have another crack at the birthday meal thing. I should be over my strop by then – I am no Ted Heath.