I Have A New Job!

Ohhhh you don’t realise just how much I have wanted to tell everyone this.  But I haven’t been able to say anything until now.  A whole week I’ve had to keep quiet – well bar a few of you.

Remember the job interview I went for in Amersham about 6 weeks ago?
I went to meet them last week, in a pub, of course, and they offered me the job.
This is my dream job.  This is what I have been working towards for the past few years – particularly the last 2 years.  This is why I have sacrificed so many good nights out – and why I moved to Bracknell to be able to study more.  I’ve spent a whole year in a soulless place, with almost zero attractive women, a total pain in the arse to get to London from – just so I could achieve my dream.
And I’ve done it.
I will be a junior web developer.  For a small up-and-coming digital agency.  The perfect job in the perfect company – I wanted to work for a digital agency – it isn’t super-cool Hoxtonish so I won’t be overawed by geeky coolness, and with it being new, I’d like to think there is the opportunity to really make my mark, and help the company grow too.
It isn’t going to be easy.  I’ll be going from a job that I can do with my eyes closed, to one where I will permanently be challenged.  I’ll actually be using my brain.  Hopefully my creativity too.
I will need to learn PHP quick sharp.
I am having to take a pay cut.  I was expecting this, and the salary is definitely fair for the role.
The job being in Amersham means I will have to live in London.  Well, I don’t HAVE to, but I want to.  Really, really want to!
Not that I will have any money to go out with until I have proved my worth, maybe bar the odd pint or two.
There is one massive BUT – they don’t have air conditioning.  Surely it cannot be as hot as my current office – and I do get to wear whatever I like.  So if it is hot, I can wear my hotpants.
I am also going to have to train myself out of making animal noises.  And I am going to have to learn how to work without minimal techno, though they are much more relaxed than the average corporation so I’m sure they’ll be fine with my earphones in in due course.  I think they have an office radio too – which does strike some fear into me.
My priority now, as of this weekend is to try to find a room.  The plan is to find somewhere near Harrow/Wembley – 45 minutes to work, 20 minutes to London.  I’ve looked through 413 job adverts and have found 33 possibles – just need to book in some viewings.
I’d really like to spend the weekend celebrating, and I have 3 different invites that I’d dearly like to attend, but alas, house hunting it is.
So 11 years after I first threatened it, I’m moving to London.
And the question you are all wondering – yes, Roast Dinners Around Reading will come to an end, possibly a gory end – do I kill him off, or leave people wondering?  Hmmmm.
Though I might replace it with Roast Dinner Adventures In London – merging culture/fun and roast dinners.
I am super excited about the future – how weird will it be to wake up excited to go to work?
Oh yeah, there will be a leaving roast dinner – probably 4th September.
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