Those that know me will know that I am not exactly the most religious person in the world.
I’m not one of those people that think religion is the cause of all evil in the world – yes sure it has caused a few wars in its time. Religion has a place in the world, but not in my life.
I don’t feel I need to follow somebody else’s guidance, I can follow my own morals and cohabit peacefully with anyone around me.
I do however have a reasonable comprehension why others may feel the desire to have a faith in their life and I think it is up to the individual to decide. I believe in freedom of choice.
In recent years I have decided that I should find something suitable to give up for lent.
Last year, I cannot remember what I gave up. It is probably on my blog but I cannot be arsed to look.
The year before, I tried to give up words ending in ‘ent’ – like bent or magnificent. This was difficult especially when talking. Not so bad when writing because I could quickly hit delete.
In 2010, I gave up paper clips. Fairly easy once I got out of the habit and used staples though I definitely annoyed a few people at work by not using paper clips.
So this year I have been pondering. It isn’t easy to think of something suitable to give up for weeks on end. Someone suggested to me to give up gravy – but I love gravy. Why would I give up something I love for something that has no meaning to me?
I have decided therefore that a reasonable sacrifice would be to give up zebra crossings.
Wish me luck.