I really did not want to get out of bed this morning. I have quite a comfortable chair at work – but I like sleeping. I could do with a week off – it is a year since I had a full week off from work. Every time I get drunk I keep thinking about booking flights to Ibiza – but I need to remember that I cannot afford it! Later in the year, perhaps, if I can save some money.
I had a pleasant, and perhaps more importantly, a relatively cheap weekend.
So glad I took Friday afternoon off – what a gloriously sunny day that was. Sitting in the sun, drinking with my very good friend, JP – and then I went to meet my old boss for a couple more beers (the good one that I used to work for, not the clueless disturbed one that was eventually disposed of). All good.
Saturday I went to Eat Reading Live. It was enjoyable, I especially enjoyed the cider and wine on offer, a little too much as I found myself being rather too drunk and ended up going home and not going out in the evening – that and an internal disturbance from eating food from weird countries that stopped me from having any sustained periods of sleep throughout the night – I hope that teaches me a lesson. I am a pie man. Nothing else.
My good friend, Benski was doing some presenting on stage, I am sure that he will have a write-up on his blog at some point. There was a Mexican band playing too which were enjoyable to watch.
And Sunday, the state of my flat was starting to annoy me so I gave it a really good clean. With the help of a bottle of wine, of course.
Finally, I just remembered the story of the Orange Juice Man of Ibiza. Not sure if it is just an urban myth, but worth a read, it did tickle me.
Roll on Friday…or maybe Thursday, he he 🙂