Today is payday.
Some people will treat themselves to the finest steak they can locate. Others will upgrade frm 613 Oxford Road to a more refined Ascot hooker. Others will eschew their usual 5% pure Colombian for their dealer’s special £100 Bolivian (the only reason I know about this is because I read an article in the Economist).
I know how to live, and am always looking to take the minimal techno’n’roll lifestyle to the next level so I decided to pop by Morrisons in Bracknell so I could stock up on chicken Goldenfry Gravy.
Do you see any Goldenfry? No. Do you see anywhere to put any Goldenfry? No.
This is a disaster. FML.
If you are my true friend or simply just in love with me then you will help me get over this tragedy.
What the hell am I going to do? Apart from complain, obviously.