Austerity & Teletext Porn

I don’t know what the BBC and all these crackpot socialists are moaning about, in regards to austerity.  It isn’t actually that bad.

One can enjoy life without money.  To be fair, I learnt this when I was unemployed so I do know this, I just forgot it over recent months.

I decided after Cocoon In The Park to take a break from partying, mainly this is enforced upon me through financial necessity, however it is also because I feel that I need a rest, I need to recharge my batteries, for future parties, for my beloved Free House Project (oh any excuse for a plug) and for Ibiza.

I went into the weekend fretting a little about how I would cope, especially with the boredom and mundaneness of not going out, having fun, drinking and dancing, staying up way too late…and then feeling rotten.

However I am pleasantly surprised about how much I did enjoy it.  The main thing was the amount of time I could devote to discovering new music, and I have found some real crackers, and this should give me more time to practise DJing this week, as I do really want to get some more mixes recorded and out into the cloud.  Oh, how groovy do I sound now?

I kind of feel that I am at a point in life where I need to invest more in myself, and my knowledge and abilities, and perhaps less short-term gratification so I can get more from life in the future.  That’s not to say I am even vaguely thinking of stopping the party lifestyle, but getting more balance, having more relaxing weekends and focusing on other parts of life that I have just remembered that I really enjoy too.

There are simple things I want to do more of – like going to Ben’s pub for Sunday roast once I have money, and going to a couple of Hull City away games with my sister, and spend a bit more time outdoors, visit more places, see more of the country.  Go to Leeds again!

Whilst it is on my mind, does anyone remember teletext porn?

Did anyone honestly…?

Erm, back to the subject, the success and enjoyment of austerity has surprised me so much that I even enjoyed 21p ketchup.

See you on the other side of pay-day…unless anyone fancies a spot of English sunbathing this weekend?  I kid you not.

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