Complaint: Gregg’s Sausage Rolls

Dear Greggs

You will likely not care to hear that I woke up too late this
morning to make my own breakfast so I had to seek sustenance on my walk
through Reading town centre towards the train station.

There are not a
lot of options early in the morning though there are about 126 branches
of Greggs.

I chose 2 sausage rolls, I did look at them with suspicion as
to how warm they would be but purchased anyway.

When I bit into the first
one I quickly checked my surroundings in case I had been transported to
the mountain-side but alas I was still in Reading train station.

the sausage roll been heated? Probably. Today? Unlikely.

I then sat on
the sausage rolls to try to generate some warmth but this didnt have
too much effect.

I tried putting it on the train radiators but they had
been switched off (South West Trains tend only to put the heating on
when it is hot).

The sausage rolls were so cold that they were even
colder than my girlfriend, Margaret who is a cardboard

Annoyingly I can still vaguely taste themalthough maybe that is
because I sat on them.


 Dear James

Thanks for telling us about your recent visit to our Reading shop. We
appreciate all customer feedback as it gives us the opportunity to

I’m not sure if you’re aware, we don’t keep our savouries in a heated
environment, or use heat retaining packaging, or advertise them as hot.
We sell our savouries freshly baked from our shop ovens and we then
place them on our shelves to cool naturally. They’re freshly baked
throughout the day so that you get that great taste we all know and
love. As bakers we believe that baking our savouries fresh each day
gives our customers the best quality food.

I’ve passed your feedback onto our Area Manager of our Reading shops so
that she can speak to all of our Team Members who bake our savouries to
ensure that they’re baking regularly throughout the day.

I’m sorry that you’ve been disappointed by our food James and hope you’ll remain one of our valued customers.


Hi Richard

Can you please speak to teams in reading shops about below feedback
received on 8 April and remind them about baking little and often? No
response needed. Thanks

(Not sure why I was copied into this – and apparently Richard is a girl)


Boring response and not even a free sausage roll but at least they replied in just over two weeks – unlike Waitrose who haven’t bothered (though I did e-mail them in Ali G style).

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