I kind of feel that I am at a crossroads in my life at the moment.
I do not have a defined career goal, and now the shackles of employment have long been released, the world is kind of my oyster if I want to go somewhere new to find a job.
But I am not the travelling sort, I like my life as it is, and have become quite appreciative of myself, but my life is missing something.
Instant pleasure would be gained through being able to enjoy the music I love so much, in my local area. But Reading has no regular house music scene.
London does. I could move there. I am applying for jobs there. However, I am not sure I want to move to such a big city though, as much as I love it.
Leeds does. I love the north. I love northerners. I am one. I would fit in much easier than I do in Reading, for sure! But I do kind of enjoy being a northerner down south…despite the different morals. And it is a much tougher life up north. It is a bit more exciting down here…the slow pace of life can wait another couple of decades.
I could try to be the creator of something that I am looking for in Reading but I am not sure my efforts would be appreciated…or whether it would work.
My heart lies with the music I love. I need to satisfy my desires. I need to give my heart a bit of love and attention. I am quite frustrated at the moment, for one reason or another. Being out of work doesn’t exactly help, neither does not having a career path/plan/goals.
I do have dreams, but I am not confident enough to pursue them just yet, as I know I am a rather over-optimistic person at times.
I clearly am missing a little satisfaction in life and I am not convinced I am going to find it if I stay in this town that I really do like, but which I may have slightly fallen out of love with.
Do I take a risk and make a big change? Would it be worth it? Or do I stick it out and keep hoping?
Past evidence is inconclusive – moving to Reading was a big change of life, but an excellent decision.
Going for a promotion from a job I liked into the unknown, at Verizon, in 2010 was not an excellent decision.
Not taking the risk and going for a promotion just because I didn’t have the “required” language skills at Verizon in 2008 was a bad decision.
I could give many examples either way…
I don’t really have a way to decide rationally…I am kind of hoping that the decision is kind of made for me.
I do have these moving elsewhere thoughts at least once a year and can normally quite easily dismiss them but the opportunity is much more there for the taking than it ever was due to my redundancy…but my head says please don’t ask…my heart also says please don’t ask…
The world is my Oyster card. It might be time to start using it a bit more.