Do I Want A Free Holiday In Magaluf?

I received a very kind offer by e-mail today from a representative of Easyjet, who after having read my review of Cocoon In The Park thought that a competition to win a holiday in the clubber’s paradise of Magaluf.  Which for those of you less geographically knowledgeable is on an island called Mallorca (or Majorca to some of us).  It is near Ibiza.


Hi James,

I hope you don’t mind me emailing, but I came across your recent blog post where you mentioned that you love clubbing ( and I thought you might like to know about a competition that easyJet Holidays is running, where you can win a clubbing holiday to Magaluf – which might be of interest to you.

If you want to enter, all you have to do is follow the easy guidelines on the competition page. You can win a bigger prize if you enter with a blog post.

Please feel free to drop us an email at if you want more information. The closing date is 10th August 2012, so you’ve got just over a week left to get blogging!

Check it out and good luck if you do decide to enter.

Best wishes,


All I need to do is write a blog post to say why I am the biggest fan of Majorca clubbing.  Oh and include those two links.

I have not been to Majorca, so I am not able to say if it is better than Ibiza for clubbing, of which I am going this year.  Again.  For the 10th time.  Because I absolutely love Ibiza more than anywhere else in the world, even more than Bracknell.

However, I thought I would do some investigation work to see what I am missing out on.

Firstly, one thing that comes up is that there is more football chanting in Majorca (I’m from Hull – not posh enough to call it Mallorca).  I give you a good example here – now it is good because I cannot understand it, so this means that the local residents of Majorca will probably appreciate it more.  When I was 18 I went to Ibiza for the first time, this is back in 1998, and had people to shout “Oggy oggy oggy” with.  This now seems to be frowned upon in Ibiza.  In Majorca, you get free booze for doing it.

Secondly, I don’t see much in the way or boxing, aggression or any kind of fighting in Ibiza.  Clearly what the average man requires on holiday, for I am not a girl (despite my pink heart sunglasses), is a boxing glove machine so you can find out who out of your group of friends is the hardest.  I feel that Ibiza has taken my masculinity away somewhat, as I find myself wearing pink heart sunglasses in Ibiza and ENJOYING IT!  This must be wrong.  Why are there no boxing glove machines in Ibiza?  Look at the man at 3 minutes 20 – don’t you wish you were able to punch like that on holiday?  I struggle to even use a knife and fork after a few nights out in Ibiza.

And finally, and most importantly, just listen to some of the music played – like on this video.  Boom, boom, boom, it is almost as good as Cocoon.  And 3 minutes 30 into it – hmmm.  My favourite kind of gas, except farting of course.

And just to finish that video of, a girl being sick.

So, now my investigation is complete, do I want to go to Magaluf?


I also want to go to Doncaster.  And Hartlepool.  And Stoke.  And perhaps Dundee.  And don’t forget Slough.

However if this is not available then I would love to go on a true clubber’s holiday to Majorka.  All that time invested in trips to fabric, Ibiza, Frankfurt and Berlin, seem great practice for a free holiday – one which includes free drinks in the biggest club in Madgorca all night – can you imagine if a club in Ibiza offered that?  The value of free drinks all night in Ibiza is about 5 million Euros.  Or will be in a year or two when the Euro is worthless.

Anyway, so please vote for me.  There is no voting though.  So please buy me a drink and I will take you with me when I win the prize.

Excuse, me, time to go proper clubbing at Yate’s.

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