So I got the news today that the bank that I was expecting to get a mortgage with have responded that “the valuer currently has advised Accord that he doesn’t deem the property to suitable security at this present time as they are over exposed on the block”.
Fuck off.
Fucking banks. Appreciate that I’m 15 years behind the trend here and everyone was way ahead of me on fucking off banks.
It took a while for my mortgage broker to find this place as most banks will no longer lend on blocks of flats that high due to the new 2022 building regulations – so also, fuck you Tory government. Obviously some irony there that we can only build tall blocks of flats in London due to government regulation (fuck you Clement Attlee for the 1947 Town & County Planning Act) and most banks won’t lend for them.
You could say that maybe then I’d be stuck there in 5 years time if I wanted to sell, but so will millions of other people across the UK if banks are still not willing to lend. Plus I’d rather be stuck in a very nice flat that I actually want to live in for the rest of my life, rather than a house-share which I am mentally done with.
I want that flat. It ticks my important criteria – soundproofing, a great view of the weather, relative privacy – and I can afford it.
What now?
My mortgage broker is going to try other banks, but it feels fairly hopeless. And even worse, the mortgage rates have jumped up, so it will cost me another £50 or so every month. Maybe more. I don’t want to look. FUCKING BANKS.
I don’t see what other options I have. I don’t want what other people want for me in terms of moving to Slough or whatever.
I’d consider a house, but I definitely cannot afford one.
I could move to Spain. But family.
I could try to find a wife. Lol.
I did try to get another job with a pay rise and that failed. And now AI is coming for my job.
Or I guess I could buy the shittiest thing I can cope with living in and try to save more so I can afford a proper house in 5 year’s time, assuming AI hasn’t eaten my job.
Or I could pay an astonishing amount of money to rent a decent flat, which would be around £1,800 a month including bills in Croydon. Fucking land…banks.
The priority is having my own place. I don’t want to be house-sharing any more. I want freedom. Maybe freedom is more important than a view of the weather. But I want it all. And I want it…soon.
And finally I hate this fucking stupid country. Why do so many people want to live here?! Granted it is probably better than living in Eritrea.