This is my new hero. A man called Joshua Seater, urinated in a resevoir, causing it to be emptied of it’s 8 million gallons of water…
I had a lovely 12 hour sleep last night though I think I needed it to help me recover from the weekend, given that Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights I probably totalled 12 hours too.
Work is a little quieter than normal this week so I am going to take the opportunity to catch up with my training hours.
Outside of work is also very quiet, though that is mainly self-enforced due to the lack of funds. I really have to find somewhere cheaper to live. I have absolutely no idea how I am going to afford a trip to Ibiza – I really don’t want to have to miss out two years in a row. Any suggestions?!
Due to this said lack of funds, I am going to have to keep this weekend very cheap. Probably stay in on Saturday and clean the kitchen which is a mess. But Sunday looks like being lovely, sunny and warm so I shall go down the river and have a few beers, hopefully I will find someone for company, but if not then I shall go on my own and take something to read, either way I’m happy.
The other conundrum is how am I going to get to and from Cocoon In The Park in Leeds without it costing me too much? I am resigned to going by myself, but I’m not too fussed, I quite fancy an adventure on my own, though clearly going with other people is a preference. However public transport and hotel will easily set me back £100 – not ideal.
Ooh, and I have just noticed that Ricardo Villalobos is playing fabric on 30th July, and the night is scheduled to finish 15 hours later at 2pm Sunday. With a bit of luck he might be back to his best and won’t collapse in the DJ booth at 10am off his face (allegedly). Actually, balls to that, I want him just like everyone else.
Oh and back to peeing in resevoirs…sarcasm doesn’t always come off so well on the internet, does it? I don’t actually have any intention to urinate in a resevoir, nor is he my new hero. But it did tickle me.