I have to say humans are really irritating me a bit this week.
Yesterday saw the highest number of people criss-cross my walking direction at unusual angles forcing me to slow my pace or avoid walking into them – in the space of about 10 metres at Morrison’s last night, 4 staff members cut in front of me without looking where they were going. I know I tend to walk at a faster pace than most people, especially the dithering snails in shopping centres/supermarkets, but this is no reason to walk with eyes closed.
My bus driver curse struck again this morning. When I get on a Reading Buses’ bus, I put my £1.70 in the hopper thing and say “single” (note I do not say please or thank you to Reading Buses’ bus drivers due to previous lack of customer service and politeness – any other company I continue my fairly high level of good manners) – this morning the driver pulled me up to have a slightly heated discussion as to whether I had informed him of what ticket I wanted. Most people normally understand me – and surely he could see what coins I had put in the hopper. If not, then perhaps I shall just put 30p in there from now on and say “single”?
Then this morning, I went to the fridge to have a sausage roll which I had left there yesterday – only to find it has been replaced by umpteen bowls of salad, etc. My sausage roll is nowhere to be seen. Everyone who works here could afford to buy about 25,000 sausage rolls a year so I am not quite sure why anyone would steal it.
So I went down to buy over-priced breakfast only to find the bacon cold and shrivveled.
Happy days.
And I don’t have much work to do at the moment – the main system is awaiting edit access whilst reports are being run so I am left to twiddle my thumbs a fair amount – though this is the first time for a few weeks, perhaps since the beginning of December where I haven’t had that much to do, pleasingly my job has improved in that respect.
I think the reason why I am moaning a bit is a lack of sleep. Yes, I know this is my fault. My thirst for information gets the better of me, especially late at night.
In reality though, I have plenty to be happy about and look forward to – I like a little moan and it makes me feel better, or at least put things into perspective. This weekend will see a trip to London and my first spot of clubbing this year (an hour in the awful Mango with tinny distorted music blasted into your ears and obstrusive security in your face does not class as clubbing) to a rather excellent night called Ketoloco – for those that don’t know, it was started as an after-party in a basement flat in Leeds, inspired by Circo Loco in Ibiza and, erm, perhaps something else one can find in Ibiza. Or most after-parties. Now throwing parties across the country and quite regularly in London too – the last one I went to in May was absolutely top-class fun, and a tiny bit messy. All on a Sunday too. OK, the Monday was a bank holiday – I am not so cool after all.
And I have my Dad’s 60th birthday with a trip to the beautiful Hull to look forward to.
And a couple of trips to fabric at the end of February/beginning of March. Fingers crossed that Ricardo Villalobos is playing there at the end of March like he has done the last few years – that was the musical highlight of my year, so inspiring.
One thing that is much interesting me at the moment, and one of the reasons why I took about 4 hours to go to bed from the moment I decided that I should (along with more weather research) is uprisings against oppression in the Middle East. Egypt is the main one of interest as that is the one where it looks like a dictator which is responsible for subjugation, torture and death of it’s own citizens – and in particular it’s bloggers for dissent against the leadership (thankfully for me last year Gordon Brown was just incompetent and destroyed the country – in many other countries I would have been arrested and beaten, or worse, for blogging my disapproval of the running of the country) – now things seem to be changing, and I suspect that the confidence that the opposition gets from being able to communicate through blogs, Facebook and Twitter, what is going on, is proving a major factor.
I am quite inspired. Whether it will spread to even worse regimes like Sudan or Iran is another matter – but a few weaker ones would not surprise me.
Certainly puts any mere imperfections in my life such as stroppy bus drivers into perspective…not that I really needed it to, I just fancied a little moan.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your week – halfway to the weekend now.
Apologies that my guest writer has not followed through on their promised writings. I know they read my blog. I was very excited but it doesn’t look like it is going to happen.