I went to my first funeral on Monday.
I feel lucky in very many ways with my life, I’ve not really had to suffer grief or hardship – although my school years were miserable, violent and hellish, they do pale into insignificance I feel compared to many throughout the world. And nowadays my life is pretty much full of glitter and gravy.
It was a semi-close relative that passed away. Not a blood relative and he had been ill for a while so it wasn’t unexpected.
I don’t like going into details about other’s lives on my blog, given that it is so public so I am not going to extrapolate about whom it was.
Having never been to a funeral before, I really didn’t know what to expect. It was quite upbeat, and hopefully the last time I have to listen to country and western music. I was a pallbearer, which was a real honour. I was rather nervous about it – if I put a foot wrong anywhere else in my life, interview, date, job, nightclub toilet, whatever, it doesn’t matter. This did. Hence my nerves.
It all went swimmingly fine and then we went to a local pub and had a plate of sausage rolls. There may have been some other items on the buffet too but I am unable to clarify.
The one over-bearing thought at the end of the day was just how lucky I am to have such a great family. It is really touching to see how everyone came together. I do wish that they were a little closer to hand, but one cannot have everything in life. Yet.