Nina Kraviz, Secretsundaze @ Electric Brixton

Nina Kraviz first came to my attention with a mix for Sankeys in early 2011 that for me was a totally new direction in terms of music and DJ styles, despite at that point having been listening to house and techno for over 20 years. A really fresh sound. I knew even at those tentative stages that she was a star in the making.

It took until September that year to persuade friends to go see her, though it wasn’t too difficult as she was warming up for Sven at Amnesia in Ibiza.

I was suitably impressed with her style and music, and thought she exuded a lot of warmth and personality, with unique music and I just couldn’t stop dancing.

Electric Brixton was visited last year for Cocoon. We left early due mainly to a shocking sound-system.

Secretsundaze I had never been to. It has always massively appealed however Sunday parties (as they normally are, hence the name to my uninitiated readers) need that extra bit of commitment, especially when having to travel to and from London. But with a whole 4 days to recover (ok 3 days by time I decided sleep was useful), and my favourite dancing partner in tow along with her friend, and a couple of very good friends habituating London, I finally had chance to put to rest the Secretsundaze 10 year wait.

Of course I decided to make it more difficult by going out on the Wednesday night, sleeping 3 hours and subsequent suffering all day at work.

We arrived at the club later than probably ideal, and then had to queue for ages to get in, my friend nearly didn’t get in as the bouncer didn’t stamp her hand properly, so cue having to go out and rescue her, me then nearly not getting back in myself, followed by a 30 minute cloakroom queue, 10 minutes toilet queue, 15 minute bar queue, 20 minutes looking for one lost and rather drunk friend and it was already 2:30am.

It was hard work getting to this point! Just 3.5 hours of potential fun left.

Nina was brilliant though. I loved every minute of her set, so much energy, never a dull moment, I could not stop dancing. Except for the bits where I was trying to find lost friends! Again.  I don’t mind losing friends as long as it isn’t for too long as the finally finding them and obligatory oh my word I thought I had lost you forever hug is brilliant!

It seemed like all DJs were having problems with the vinyl decks and a little skipping – such is the payoff sometimes for the beauty of vinyl. If you want perfection – go bore yourself with a sync button.

Lights are never the most important aspect of an evening to me, they can be annoying sometimes but Secretsundaze did a very good job with them, the backdrop was also good. The sound quality was good too – not awe-inspiring like fabric but more than good enough. To me the sound quality is massively important and I am pleased to say I was sufficiently satisfied.

The crowd were pretty good. It seemed like there was a family of Secretsundaze regulars, a few people that I spoke to said that they go to every Secretsundaze night without fail.  I managed to resist the temptation to shout “Oioi”.  Was quite amusing to see the faces of total disgust from a few when the odd dancer was accidentally doing a shuffle.  It’s just dancing.  You are unlikely to need me to tell you some crowds in London are appalling nowadays.  This crowd was most definitely not.

So a really enjoyable night with some brilliant music – but then I had to queue an hour for my coat to be able to go home.  And spend 20 minutes outside the club trying to find lost friends again!  Oh and an hour and a half train as the Paddington to Reading line was closed.  8 carriage train with no toilet.  It wasn’t an easy journey home!

The whole night gets an 8 out of 10.  Nina was sensational and I am already awaiting the next opportunity to see her in London.  All other DJs that I saw were good but I didn’t pay enough attention – shame as the whole line-up was excellent.  Thankfully some of the sets are available on so I will be watching what I missed.  Not sure what happened to Nina’s set – it was there on Friday but not now.  Very sad.  However it is available for listening purposes and is keeping me smiling whilst receiving abuse from customers (it only took 8 minutes this morning to be told I am rude and unprofessional.  Fuck you).

Secretsundaze I will be back.

Will I go to Electric Brixton again? Not if I need to take a coat.

Much thanks to all involved from promoters, to DJs and fellow dancers.  I am still smiling now.

Conclusion – We miss fabric.

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