I can feel a slow day coming on today – and why? Well because I got a little too engrossed in Football Manager last night, and determined to end my losing streak – I started the season with 10 straight defeats. I think I turned a corner around 2am with my first victory, which came after three draws, two of which were against very good opposition. In case you hadn’t already assumed, I am playing as Hull City (in the premier league 2009/10 season).
Anyway, so I did eventually drag myself to bed, and got a very minimum amount of sleep and woke up stupidly early and got up to play it again before realising that I am not a desktop football manager, I am a commissions specialist. And I do not have a button to click to get the assistant manager to do it for me.
So here I am at work, tired, very tired. Was it worth it? Well – I got the victory I was craving! Shame a defeat followed. There are still 22 games left of the season. I have 6 points so far. This may well be my weekend thanks to my limited bank balance…but I’m quite satisfied with that. I’ll be even more satisfied if Virgin Media do actually connect broadband tomorrow and deliver the router, as requested. I have little faith though. They are a bit slow. As is my current internet connection.
So in theme with the slowness of my brain, body and internet connection today, I am going to listen to a lot of Wolf & Lamb stuff (don’t forget I have a new blog with links to where you can listen to all the fabulous new tunes I discover, and I put quite a few Wolf & Lamb tracks up there) whilst I do my 8-hour finance gig.
Two bananas for breakfast I hope will see me through.
Tough times at the KC Stadium – 12 wins is usually good enough to stay up. Are you using the killer tactic which I think I should rename the "I spent too much time on this game and should really think about doing something more productive with my spare time 4-1-3-2"