Weekends Past & Future

I had a good weekend just gone – well Friday I was just too tired to go out annoyingly, especially considering that there are now two places worth going in Reading now for the first time in who knows how long, but Saturday was a lot of fun with a real kind of BOA reunion of most of the original members, and many more that have joined the fantastic and super-sized group of friends that I spend most weekends with.  It was all in aid of saying goodbye (for now) to one delightful Josie as she goes to Australia and happy birthday to the lovely Amy.

Speaking of birthday celebrations – they don’t come much more important than this coming weekend as I go back home to celebrate my mother’s 60th.

Of all the contrary things to do, I have to wear shirt, tie, trousers etc to the football.  WTF?  Do I look like a prawn sandwich eater?  Actually, one of the first things I ever became well known for is eating all the prawns at Christmas family gatherings.  No wonder I ended up so brainy as a youngster.  But still, this is totally wrong and is only forgiven by my one and only mother turning 60.

The weekend after has rumours of the return of a lost soul and a weekend in London, if all comes to pass.

Plus more birthdays to celebrate during March and April, and more trips to London too.

Having a full-time job means that I can now start to plan for the rest of the year.

Having friends live in Dubai and one moving to Australia has made me interested in visiting both places as they are places I want to visit and whilst I have friends over in those places that gives an excuse to go rather than put it off for the future.  As I keep doing every place othan than Ibiza.

But neither are exactly on the nice side of affordable.  So I would have to make sacrifices to do either – which would involve one of staying in every other weekend for months, not going to Ibiza, or finding somewhere much cheaper to live – ie a house-share.  Not sure I want to make any of those sacrifices.

Decisions, decisions.

Incidentally I did see a one bedroom flat at Queen’s Wharf up for rent for the same price of my current flat – just a slight difference in quality but I don’t really want to move…it is a pain in the ass and I have enough to do at the moment.  I do miss having a balcony though…and the after-party potential…maybe I should have a look?!

I cannot really make any plans anyway until I pass my 3 month probation at work, fingers crossed, but at least I can actually start to think about the possibilities

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