Being 33

Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday beautiful, amazing me,
Have a pint of gravy.

OK so my birthday was yesterday but I am so busy and behind with everything – I haven’t even finished writing my review of 2012 yet.

Thank you for all my wishes, I hope I have responded to them all individually (Facebook makes everything more difficult).

I had two wishes for my birthday, well realistic ones anyway – hot water and gravy.

Firstly the heating miraculously starting working overnight on Monday so hot water returned (though still pretty damn cold in my house thanks to heating politics).

And then in the evening I had gravy.

I received a few nice gifts too and a few quid to spend on crack whores.  Oh and confirmation of a date for Free House Project (Saturday 2nd February).  Yes I might need a DJ or two.

I have done some celebrating, I had a great party on Saturday night, massive thanks to those who came – I didn’t have an open invite as it was a case of testing the water as the first party in the new house to see what I can get away with…I suspect there will be more parties and some summer BBQs to come.

And I loved DJing.

Sunday we were supposed to go to The Star in the middle of nowhere for an amazing lunch, however the snow put most off and it didn’t happen – instead a few of us went to the Abbot Cook – all I have to say is that the gravy was not for me.  Nor was the live jazz band with my banging head.

I do feel like I perhaps haven’t celebrated fully (though I did have a whole pint of gravy last night) and luckily this year I turn one whole third of a century so on the weekend of 24th/25th May I am going to celebrate this milestone as I never have a birthday when it is warm (cue late spring Arctic blast).

Anyway, thanks for the love, I love you too.

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