First Blog of July

Can you believe that it is the 4th day of July and my first blog of the month?  Last month, I only blogged 6 times.  What is happening?

Well, work seems to have taken over my life. I don’t begrudge it because they pay me money.  And keep me out of mischief for at least a few nights a week. Though it does mean that I cannot sleep as much as I want.

The most important thing in my life now is finding somewhere cheaper to live and it means house-sharing again. Something I thought I had got away from 2 years ago however the appeal of having a garden is rather good. I think I have got rather used to living by myself so it will be interesting how I adjust. I am doing it to save money – it will save me plenty so I can actually afford to go out the amount I am going out. Or maybe I will start staying in a bit and save up to go storm chasing next year. Or just do a bit more of what I love doing – clubbing.  I might have found somewhere spot on to live, fingers crossed.
I have a second date for Free House Project. The first one was immensely enjoyable, especially the DJing part. Must work out how better to promote it though.  Saturday 1st September.  Put it in every diary now.  Including your mum’s.

Cocoon In The Park is this Saturday, highlight of my 2010 and 2011. There will be a blog review.  I am so excited.  It is the best thing I do every year and I have some excellent companions this time.

My next adventure is Eastern Electrics in London in August. Oh and not forgetting the Olympics.

Hopefully I will still go to Ibiza in September but my overspending and sums due to the council have put a question mark over the affordability. The sooner I book it the better.

I really need to stop going out for the rest of July. I don’t know how to stay in. I don’t know how not to spend money on a weekend. But I have to do it. If only my bank would say no.

I am trying to manourvere my life away from pointless Thursday and Friday night sessions for the sake of it, towards what I get the most enjoyment out of. I think DJing will be an important part of it, or at least I hope it will.

And weather forecasts.  Not forgetting the fucking weather.

Anyway, that’s my life at the moment.  All good, a lot of fun, too expensive, not enough time to blog, and my creative juices are clearly subdued at the moment!

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