I Would Rather Be Friends With A Sewer

My idea of a Facebook Friend, is someone that I have at least met, and have some vague connection with. Maybe someone I work with, a friend of a friend who joined us for drinks, etc etc. Or a girl I want sexual favours from. Or someone I just recognise from going out – as long as they are human beings.

So I got home last night to find that not only a self-storage company had requested my friendship, but Expressgyms. A gym, for fuck’s sake. Do I look like I would ever have a drink with a gym? Go clubbing with a gym? Shake hands with a gym? Hug a gym? Enter a gym? No.

So a quick message was sent – “I would rather be friends with a sewer”.

Of course, I received a message back:

“Thanks James , sorry to hear that could you please take the time to tell me why? My name is Steve Brown I am manager and sales director of Expressgym. I take it you may have had a bad experience in the past? All I am doing is trying to promote my business through this network and I am sorry to have bothered you.
Steve. “

I do feel slightly bad now but still I feel aggrieved for a company abusing my potential friend-ship. I haven’t sent my reply yet, I am still thinking.

Oh and to top it all off last night, I receievd a friend request for the purpose of being a neighbour in some Farmville-type game. If she was hot then perhaps but she was quite the opposite of that definition.

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