Mixmag, Shopping, Disco & Birthday

I just fancy writing a blog.  I have no structure in mind, I am just writing because I want to.

I’m happy – looking on the bright side of life still seems very easy.  If I had to have a complaint at the moment, then it would be my seeming inability to convince a company that I would be an excellent asset to invest in.

I will show you an example, look at this item of clothing I bought the other day:

It is not exactly clear what this item of clothing should be, it could be a hat, or a jumper, or a dress, I had no idea but I loved the colour and bought it anyway.

Once I unraveled it, the mystery became clear:

It is a…

Well now we have that mystery solved, I shall endeavour to return to the original context but because I have completely forgotten, I shall talk about something else.

It seems I have too much experience to get a job.

So I have decided to send my DJ CV out, I have zero workplace DJ experience so I figure I will be much more successful.  What’s the point in having a dream if you don’t try?

And yes I did just try with one of the most respected underground hang-outs in London.  If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Seems Mixmag are still listening to me, this month’s CD is by Soul Clap and it is a belter – a slow belter with a lot of twists.  Love it.

Oh and it’s my birthday this weekend!  I’m celebrating it on Saturday at the delihgtful Oakford – all welcome, you know me, come down, have a beer or two or ten or none and have a laugh.  It will be fun.

Groove Is In The Heart


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