Monday Morning Thoughts

Unusually for a Monday morning, I have lots to say. I am tired, I am a little irritable – it is Monday morning and I want to be in bed. I have spent way too much money. I am incapable of saving money. I am desperate for a good night’s clubbing. It has been way too long. I don’t think I have actually had a really truly good night out since Cocoon In The Park in July. This is ridiculous. I am planning a plan to resolve this stupidly insanity-creating situation – somehow I always feel fantastic on a Monday morning after a fantastic night at fabric or something. This situation must not be allowed to continue for much longer. It must be resolved.

I finally have broadband in my flat. It has taken a while. It didn’t work when I first got it – so I called to have it activated. It still didn’t work so I got put through to technical support. Still unable to get it to work. I asked if I should restart my computer – no need apparently. After 15 minutes, technical support advised there was something wrong with my computer and I need to speak to the manufacturer. So I pressed restart and it works perfectly now.

One thing I have learnt in my years of working in an office environment is if you call your IT support team with a problem – they will ask you to restart. And then tell you how moronic you are and how they had a girlfriend once.

Today is actually quite a sad day as I really feel like I should be in Ibiza for Cocoon closing party. That I have gone a whole season without going to Cocoon in Ibiza really doesn’t feel right. I’m not going to get too upset about it as I have other plans which if just a few of them come off, will make up for it.

And I cannot really afford a trip to Ibiza. I should have gone earlier in the season whilst I had the money – instead I blew it on many pointless objectives. I need to find a way to earn extra money. And I need to find a way to stop spending so much on a weekend. Both things that I can work on now I have broadband at home.

I really missed having broadband – I think the things I most missed was being able to download new tunes, and new DJ sets. Thankfully before the move I made sure I had nearly 1000 new tunes to listen to (only about 50 still to listen to) and about 30 DJ sets which have been on repeat and really need replacing.

I didn’t especially have an exciting weekend – end of the month, need to save money. But one thing I did was get my stuff back in my flat and I have to say that it is looking surprisingly homely now. It might actually be a more enjoyable place to live than Queens Wharf was. Which I was not expecting. I may have surpassed my expectations. I would still rather live with someone that I get on well with as I can find it hard to occupy myself but that is something for the future. For now, this is working for me, and is going to work for me.

And one more thing for Monday which I will write more about this evening – the weather looks like it is going to get a bit wild over the next 10 days or so, starting later this week. I am selfishly pleased about this as I have been warning of a stormy October for many months now, albeit with a calmer break in the middle. I enjoy more extreme weather. I feel a little bad for those who are planning outdoor activities this weekend – but guys, it is October and you live in the UK. I would apologise but I do not control the weather (not completely anyway) – blame the jet-stream, not me. I only forecast it.

Have a good week – and say hello if you get chance.

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