Reasons To Be Cheerful

I am trying to persuade myself that it isn’t all doom and gloom.  I don’t like Mondays.  I guess you probably are not overly in love with them too.  Here are my reasons to be cheerful:

1. I had a good weekend.  My parents came to visit which was very nice and I had probably the tastiest lamb ever at LSQ2 at the Oracle – definitely recommend a visit.  I also spent a drunken evening at Mango, which was fun but it is still sad to see how far downhill it has gone from it’s glory days a few years ago.
2. I watched the Oracle fireworks and lights spectacular which I have to say was rather impressive.
3. The Ashes starts later this week, possibly the greatest sporting event in the world, though I will get to see very little of it as it will be on overnight and it is on Sky which I refuse to ever have again as I think it is shit.  And if it weren’t for Sky then nobs like Wayne Rooney wouldn’t be getting so much money.
4. Snow.  There is a good chance of snow from Thursday onwards and it will be fricking cold.  Oh wait a minute – I don’t like the cold.  Though at least it could potentially snow so much that the buses are “cancelled” and I won’t be able to get to work.
5. Sven Vath is playing fabric on Saturday.  My favourite DJ in the world playing probably my favourite club in the world (this does alternate between fabric and Amnesia depending on which one I went to previously).  Granted it is sold out and none of the dearest friends planning on coming have tickets, but where there is a will, there is a way.
6. There is a new bus stop at work which is two to three minutes closer to my desk than the old one.  Happy days!
7. I just had a bacon and egg sandwich and they only charged me for two pieces of bacon rather than three.  Amazing!  Highlight of my day!  And I had two greasy under-cooked sausages.  Hmmm.
8. I have a blog.  And I probably love you.  And clearly you love me.  Is it my sense of humour?  My intelligence?  My artistic abilities?  My music taste?  My hard-working nature?

OK, I’m kind of clutching at straws.

Roll on this evening so I can go to bed and have a long, very long, stupidly long, incredibly long sleep.


Ooh I have a number 9 – I had a massive 18 visitors to my blog yesterday which is crazy for a Sunday considering my average for a Sunday is about 1, maybe 2.  And not only did I have my first visitor from the United Arab Emirates, I also had my first visit from Malawi.  I trust you are proud to know a truly international blogger.  My star is rising.  Love me, love my blog.  Unless you are Gordon Brown.  Or the Met Office.


And another reason.  I just read that Amazon are going to sell Take That’s new album for £1 – I look forward to having extra material for the fire.

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