It is indeed a very sad story.
I have no interest in her music, I am led to believe it is very good but it doesn’t tickle my tastes.
However, there is a greater story here of a human being.
And I do hope that anyone who has appreciated her music, appreciates that you have to look after those around you – and they will in return.
It is very easy to turn to substances to help you perform, they might be a hell of a lot of fun in the right place and time, but they are not necessary and can be rather destructive if misused.
I might sound like a hypocrite writing this after several pints but those who know me will know otherwise.
Anyway, my point is, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you have a problem, we are all human, and don’t be afraid to ask anyone that you think might need a hug, for a hug. And spare some time for one another.
All can be good.