Student Riots

Finally something has got my back up.

I can understand an element of anger from students who were promised by the Lib Dems that they would not face higher tuition fees if they voted for them and they got into government.

Well they have got into government, and realised that we cannot afford the education system as it is, at the moment, and are having to go back on their promises.

I can understand why students might feel betrayed, and perhaps the Lib Dems should have done a bit more research into the financial situation of the country…that said, the previous Labour government were not exactly open about the state of the finances, they seemed to deny how bad it was, so maybe they did truly believe it was possible.

The way I see it at the moment, anyone with reasonable intelligence can go to university to study anything they feel like, for a set fee, and the tax-payer subsidises all students to quite a substantial extent.

The way I think the government are heading, is that those with more money, should pay more for university, those with less money, should pay less.

I don’t see what is wrong with that?

I hope those involved in the violence and vandalism yesterday are convicted.  It makes absolutely no sense to direct anger at the Conservatives who are trying to sort out the mess left by Labour.

I suspect that those who caused the trouble are just upset that now the government won’t pay for them to sit on their back-sides all day and contribute nothing to society.  They are anti-Tory protestors.  Which to me, means anti-work protestors.  Anti-responsibility protestors.  Selfish, moronic arseholes.

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