It is very, very difficult for me to compile a list of just ten tunes that made my year, as it seems there was a fantastic new tune almost every other day, but I have given it a go.
10. The Gathering – In My System (Jef K Remix) – Very deep, very soulful house track that is just quite beautiful. Introduced to me by Ricardo Villalobos at fabric in March, really enjoyed listening to it, such a good track.
9. James Flavour – Who’s In The House – This to me is garage. Most other people call it house. But this has such a garage feel to it and I really enjoyed it, and I cannot understand why anyone would not want to dance to this beauty.
8. Benoit & Sergio – Walk & Talk – Alas, no Youtube link for this one, but it is the track that goes “my baby does k all day, doesn’t wash her hair, doesn’t wash her clothes”, very laid back and smooth, will be a huge tune of early 2011 I suspect.
7. Johnny D – Love Me Or Leave Me – I love everything that he does, but this track had so many wiggles and squiggles that really brought out the weird wrist and elbow dancing in me, not such a good tune for the winter, but it was excellent in the summer
6. Tensnake – Coma Cat – Some may be surprised that I would put such a popular record so high up, but it really did connect with me, and I loved how it brought a slower, disco sound to the masses, and deserves such recognition. It really is quite a magical track – perhaps not one I want to dance to now, but I do love hearing it. And especially enjoy watching the teasing lesbions video which goes with it.
5. Luna City Express – Mr. Jack (Robags Edna Mompf Remix) – So much jacking house this year, so much good basic house tracks which sound very late 90’s with a modern twist, and this was the pick of them for me, quite dark, but really chunky, something to really get my dancing feet stuck into.
4. MMM – Nous sommes MMM – I might be putting this so high because it probably shouldn’t feature in my top ten at all, but I really enjoyed the rave synths of this track, one to really annoy the super cool deep house people whose music I admire but sometimes I do want to hit them with a piece of wet fish, and this track does this quite delightfully.
3. Die Vogel – Blaue Moschee – Although it does sound rather tired to my ears now, this really was quite a spectacular track that Sven Vath played at that crazy night at matter back in April that had everyone marching along, absolutely devastating and a hell of a lot of fun.
2. Shimmy Sham Sham 002 – A track that few picked up on, this I discovered early in the year and after such a harsh winter, it filled me with hope and joy – much fluffier than anything else I like, quite beautiful. Really do not understand why it has not been a bigger tune.
1. Art Department – Without You – This just has to be my number one. The second that I heard it at a friend’s penthouse flat from a Jamie Jones set, I knew I loved it. This just has everything going for it. So amazing, so dark, so dirty, so groovy and dare I say it – so sexy. Also Resident Advisor’s number 1 tune of 2010 which surprises me that they agree with me!
There were so many others that I could have picked but I think this best represents what floated my boat this year.
Every time I discover a new track I put it on my top tunes blog.
Looking forward to lots more new exciting music next year.