The World Cup

For those who only get to watch Premiership football, the idea of watching the World Cup might seem like a super-ridiculous thing for me to do, given my disdain for the damage that the search for money does to all around us.

But the World Cup is not really about money, certainly not in the same way that the Premier League and Champsions League are. It is somewhat about football. But also about humanity.

It is the one time, every 4 years (unless you count the Olympics?!!), that the world can put its differences aside and celebrate the fact that we are all in this thing together.

And having it in South Africa, with all the previous and current divides and tensions is even more symbollic.

I did use to believe that surely it would be England’s year to win the World Cup in 2010. The climate is suitable in that it is not boiling hot. We have an excellent manager. And I thought it would be our destiny as the country feels to me pretty much in a recesssionary despondency. Or post-recessionary, depending on your viewpoint.

But having watched the opening ceremony, I think it would be incredibly unfair if England won the World Cup this year.

After all, it was our (and America’s) government and banks that caused much of the global financial instability and uncertainty, so why we should win it to give us a feel-good mood I just don’t know, as we collectively let the recession happen.

And the bastardisation of football that we also pay for through Sky TV, which causes the inflated wages and egos of modern day footballers, must make many people across the world, truly repulse.

But I’ll still be cheering England to win and the World Cup is a beautiful thing and deep down we are a fantastic, decent, honest and well-meaning country, just been a little out of order in my opinion over the last decade or so and I am sure we will put it right.

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